It all begins with knowledge.

knowledge is power.

The correct knowledge of nutrition, wellness & health psycology can empower clients no matter where they are on their health journey & what goals they have.

What can we do?

As a Qualified and registered Nutritionist (Bachelor in human nutrition and food science, from La Trobe University) it is no wonder that health is my passion. A holistic and integrative approach nutrition can be applied to improve many health issues we face in the modern world.

The correct nutrition and knowledge can empower clients no matter what their health journey and goals. People change, grow and evolve and so does the bodies nutritional needs, Tailor made individualized treatment plans are made to be as unique as you are no matter where you are starting from, whether your are a wellness buff or a health novice.

Individual, family & couple sessions are available both online OR (if you are based in the Busselton Margaret River region) sessions can be conducted from the convenience of your own home.

With the correct nutrition advice or meal plans we can support clients to:

  • Maintain healthy body weight and composition

  • Reduce inflammation & address inflammatory conditions

  • Improve immunity & resilience

  • Reduce dependence on medications

  • Improve gut & microbiome disorders

  • Improve sport performance

  • Address fertility & hormone issue

  • Support pre-natal to post-natal growth for mum & bub

  • Improve sleep, moods, stress nervous system functioning & energy levels

  • Improved general growth & development (hair growth, nails & skin)

  • Create alternative eating plan for people with food allergies intolerances or ethical preferences

  • Life stage nutrition education


What dont we do?

As a Qualified and registered Nutritionist there are many things we can do. However, there are somethings that we can not do & we encourage you to be mindful of practitioners who sell a “cure all” programs. While we can work with a range of diseases to help maintain people’s or improve health outcomes, I cannot diagnose or cure diseases, prescribe medical diets for specific diseases (epilepsy, dysphagia, eating disorders ect). Often working as a team with other medical professionals is the best way forward to support clients to ensure a holistic approach to healing.

In the case that I cannot assist to the full extent required to get a client to optimal health I will refer you to a suitable medical professional these include; Dieticians, Naturopaths, Integrative GP, Speech pathologist, food psychiatrists or Gastroenterologists.


“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”

~ Thomas A. Edison ~