Hi, I’m Abbey Clare.

Everyone has a health story and my story started with desperation, frustration & a deep love of food.

I spent 12 years working in the food service industry, unwell, in pain with symptoms ranging from; fatigue, pain, migraines, rashes, extreme hay fever, allergies, IBS, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, depression. It took 8 Doctors, 3 Naturopaths, 1 Chinese medical practitioner, 28 blood tests and a whole lot of hopelessness in those 12 years before I was given light at the end of the tunnel - a diagnosis! Coeliac disease.

Over the period of unwell I tried everything in my power to make myself better and like many others I found my diet & lifestyle were the key to unlocking good health. This personal quest for answers left me with the need to learn more so in 2017 I enrolled in my Bachelor of Human Nutrition & Food Science at La Trobe University. This paired with my extreme love of all thing’s food related (both eating & cooking) along with the influence and support of the many amazing chefs I have had the privilege working with over the last 10 years I started compiling recipes & was soon cooking weekly for family & friends who struggled with their own dietary needs. This has morphed into a keen interest in special needs of food modified texture diets, dementia & dysphagia care.

My goal is to make evidence-based nutrition & lifestyle support available to as many people as possible. Health & wellness should not just be a luxury for the wealthy. Often barriers for people to achieving their health goals include financial reasons, lack of education or misinformation, time poor, skills poor or lack of support. I aim to remove these barriers to allow you to live your best life.

I provide: private, couples, family & special needs personal nutrition education sessions available as online or in-home consults. In home cooking services, Wellness coaching, evidence-based nutrition information, readymade meal plans & information packed social media. I can support you on your journey to a great relationship with your plate and your health.

My Approach

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to lose a few Kg, maybe you want to run a marathon, or maybe you are just sick of feeling tired. Whatever the reason you are starting your journey everyone’s goal is the same, to live their best life, to the fullest & with the best quality for as long as possible.

Dream it

You have the goal, your dream. I have the skills. My approach is based in education, support and habit building to get you to your goal. With flexibility to be as hands on or as relaxed as you wish we follow a wholistic integrative approach to wellness to ensure lasting health outcomes as well as empowerment.

Build it

Be clear, be confident and believe in yourself. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve, and your lifestyle & needs can evolve with it. Your goal should be to feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

“Nourishment is not just “nutrition.” Nourishment is the nutrients in the food, the taste, the aroma, the ambiance of the room, the conversation at the table, the love and inspiration in the cooking, and the joy of the entire eating experience.”

~ Marc David ~