every journey

begins with a first step.

Good Nutrition is an essential part of healthy human growth and development, it can also be one of the most confusing elements of health. At Abbey Clare Nutrition & Food science we provide support for business, individuals and families.

Each and every human on this planet is unique, with their own Genetics, Epigenetics and Microbiome, this means that every single persons individual metabolism and nutritional needs are just as Individual. No two humans are identical and neither should their diets be.  There is a lot of misinformation surrounding diet, health and nutritional advice in our face every day, often from unqualified sources often with vested interests in the so called “facts” and advice they provide. I work with evidence-based health science to provide tested, safe and well informed health advice. Fad diets, supplements and quick fixes are often expensive, ineffective or just plain dangerous. I focus on teaching people skills to empower themselves to make informed food choices.

When working with clients I understand that there are a range of goals, needs and wants as well as constraints to consider; whether it is culture, religion, ethical preferences, allergies & intolerances, cooking abilities, time constraints, financial considerations, physical disabilities or mental health, A plan can be developed to suit your specific needs which can be as detailed and hands on as possible or just a simple session to empower you to understand food better to make your own food.

For inquiries about in home nutrition cooking services contact Abbey at abbeyclarenutrition@gmail.com or call 0405141730 (Limited appointments available).

For information on personal, couples & family nutrition sessions including plans, pricing and what we do any don’t do as nutritionist visit the Personal Nutrition Page.

For information on: Texture Modified Eating Plans, Dysphagia, Disability, Demetia & Elderly Modified Meal information - in line with the IDDSI framework to be made in conjunction with a qualified speech pathologist-For Texture Modified & Specialized feeding requirements go to our Special Requirements Food Page.

For Food science for your business including Food Law, FSANZ standards, product development, Nutrition analysis, product & nutrition labelling, importing & exporting guidelines, production accreditation support and allergy information go to our Food Science Page.

For exciting new recipes visit the Recipe Page.

For Ready to down-load meal plans including: Balanced wholefood, Gluten & dairy free, Vegetarian, Vegan, Mediterranean (my favorite) or High protein low carbohydrate. please visit the E-SHOP

“The human body heals itself and nutrition provides the resources to accomplish the task.”

~ Roger Williams ~